Thursday 17 April 2014

How to Maintain a Clean & Efficient Fireplace and Chimney

Maintaining a clean and efficient fireplace is no tough task, provided you know what to look out for before any problem arises. Let’s find out the most common methods of maintaining a clean fireplace at homes.
Maintaining a clean fireplace is of extreme importance, neglecting which can eventually result into your chimney efficiency going kaput with the accumulation of toxic and heated air inside your home – triggering the chances of fire breakout. So how can you keep your chimneys clean?
Read along to know how to maintain a clean & efficient fireplace and chimney
1.    Inspect The Inside Of Fireplace Damper 
Make use of a flashlight and check whether anything is blocking the chimney. Typically, small animals make their way to the warm confines of a chimney that has not been used for months. Sometimes even the dry leaves build up in the chimney.
2.    Clean The Firebox
Make sure you clean the firebox and remove all the ashes, debris and dirt out of it.

Clean & Efficient Fireplace and Chimney
3.    Select The Fireplace That Suits You
The warm fire in the fireplace is the source of smoke that contains nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, hydrogen and many other volatile organic compounds. These toxins are harmful for people suffering form asthma. There are new gas-fueled hearths which you can fit into your existing masonry, by calling masonry contractors Evanston. These provide excellent output plus very little toxic smoke and are safe for everybody at home.
4.    Ensure Your Chimney is Working Perfectly
You can check the proper working condition by undertaking the following test. Collect numerous layers of newspaper sheets and roll them up together. Maintain the fireplace damper in an open position and burn the newspapers in the fireplace. The smoke should rise up in the chimney, in case it doesn’t it indicates a problem which should be sorted out by the professionals. 


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