Tuesday 6 January 2015

Replacing broken window glass with expert assistance

Over the years, large windows have become a fashion amid homeowners. The French windows have been a sight in every home. Irrespective of their size, glass is a significant part of the windows – inside and out; and being fragile, it may require replacement frequently.

When you have a broken window glass, you have to ensure that the window is installed and sealed in the correct manner. Occasionally, when the task is not tricky and you have the skills and the tools to mend it, you can replace the glass yourself; but in most cases it is wise to hire a professional to ensure the glass replacement is done in the correct manner the first time itself

If you have an exterior painting, brick repair or tuckpointing project in Chicago, you must ensure you carry it out only after you have successfully carried out the window glass replacement first, this saves time for other projects.

Masonry contractors Chicago along with painting contractors Chicago have listed out a few instructions and tips on how to replace a broken or damaged window glass to help save you time and money.

It is not difficult, but replacing a windowpane is more than inserting the glass and adding some putty. 

  •  Begin by removing the broken glass. Remove the broken glass cautiously, wear gloves and glasses when handling broken glass.
  • Remove one broken piece at a time. If the glass is only cracked or shattered remove the putty to pull out the glass.
  •  Remove all the old putty in either case.
  • Measure the window, cut glass of the same size and hold it against the window frame.
  •   Now use putty to hold the glass still, knead the putty well until it is completely lump free.
    This process can be used for windowpanes of all sizes. But if windowpanes are very large, then remove the window frame first, place it on a flat surface and then remove and replace with new glass in same position before re-installing the window frame. 


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