Tuesday 3 February 2015

Various Tools You Need for Tuckpointing

Tuckpointing is a technical skill best carried out by a professional with some experience.  Tuckpointing will remove the mortar that has been damaged and fill up the gaps with fresh and matching mortar. Besides the tools you also need to hire a reliable set of tuckpointing contractors if in Chicago. Only an experienced handyman will be able to complete the job to perfection and ensure that the structure has durability and strength to last for many more years to come.

1. A Hammer and a Chisel
A good quality plugging chisel is required to properly clean the joints and to remove all the damaged mortar. The hammer is very effective in breaking stubborn joints that need to be replaced.

2. Trowel for Mortar

Depending on the size of the joints, the trowel should be chosen. It needs to be wide enough in order to allow easy access to the handyman. An extra wide trowel will also not serve the purpose as it will cover two bricks at one time. 

3. Grinder
A grinder is generally used when tuckpointing is undertaken in new buildings, as the mortar is not so old. It is used to remove the mortar in a quick motion without damaging the bricks.

4. A mortar Gun

A mortar gun comes very handy in all projects that involve brick repair. It is a power tool that can be easily attached to a drill. It is primarily used to apply fresh mortar to the joints.


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