Saturday 19 July 2014

How to Choose Paint Colors for your Kitchen

Choosing paint colors for the kitchen is almost like a challenge. But, here is a chance to create something beautiful. Just take care of the cabinet coloring, the lighting and the top trends. Combine them, and your kitchen colors will be ready.

A splash of color can give a new lease of life to your kitchen. But, too much of it can make you go all wrong. Don’t stick to the age old method of painting it completely white. Experienced painters in Chicago won’t recommend that either.   
Use your patience and keen eye, and give your kitchen a soothing look. So, check out these steps while choosing paint colors for your kitchen at the time of hiring a painting service contractor in Chicago: 

1. Begin with the Cabinet
This will clearly define the color of your kitchen. You have an option to keep it ‘natural’ but a little splash of color will enhance the look. Countertops, backlash, flooring and the appliances should all be considered only after the cabinet is done with. If it is an open kitchen then you will have to consider the other areas too.
2. Let There Be Light
Consider both natural and artificial lighting. Colors keep changing with the change in the position of the sun. And you have no clue as to how artificial lights change colors! So choose with utmost care. Keep a pale color if you want light to reflect and hence magnify, instead of a dark color which can make your kitchen gloomy.
3. Set Trends
We know, it will eventually be your personal choice, but what’s there in checking out the latest trends? You can set your own trend too! Also, you can ask a Chicago based painter for some ideas.
Check out the latest palettes paint companies bring out every year. Fashion runaways, cultural movements, and hot travel destinations are influential in setting up the trends.
 Know more about painting tips contact Fortune Restoration 


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